The first poem our class is required to write is a Haiku. I pulled words from my micro fiction story Lost Love.

Falling on the bed
Smell of whiskey lingering
Where could he have gone?

The second poem our class is required to write is called a found poem. I took ten of my favorite tweets and incorporated the words and phrases into a poem I created. Below is a list of my ten tweets.

1) "Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." The Wonder Years #twitterive

2) Every time I walk into my grand mom's house, I think of you.. Miss you everyday pop-pop #twitterive

3) The memories I have at grandma's house will be forever treasured #twitterive

4) There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find ways in which you yourself have altered-Nelson Mandela #twitterive

5) Looks like I'm going to grandmas house this weekend #twitterive

6) Blue valentine- such a strange movie #twitterive

7) "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going" --Beverly Sills #twitterive

8) This weekend went by way too fast #twitterive

9) I remember when the kids I babysit where toddlers. Brianna is 6 already! It's amazing how fast time flies #twitterive

10) There is nothing like my grandma's pasta :-) #twitterive

I hold onto the memories
every time I step in your house.
I hold onto the memories
looking at your photos.
I hold onto the memories

when nothing seems right. 
    I hold onto the memories
of the last moment I had with you.
    I hold onto the memories
that will be forever treasured as time moves fast.