Fast Food Nation- Eric Schlosser

Schlosser wrote this piece mainly on “fast food, the values it embodies, and the world it has made”(3). The fast food restaurant that that Schlosser focuses on is the McDonalds. Basically, I could sum up the article by saying that fast food pretty much dominates our world. He shows us various statistics of how fast food has rapidly increased over the past several years. One line in particular that stuck out to me was. “Americans now spend more money on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars”(2). Fast food restaurants have become the place where customers spend most their money and employees get very low wages. Also, much of the fast food has been completely reformulated in order to taste good. Overall, this article talks about the negatives of eating fast food and allowed people to be more aware of what they are eating. From this article I was able to develop a completely different meaning for McDonalds as well as understanding the dangers that come with the risk of eating the food. At the end of the article, the author states, “You are what you eat” (8), which means that the majority of America would be either a Hamburger or Friend fry. 

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