Today, I will be interviewing a nurse who has a RN/BSN/CSN. She is also a spokesperson for weight watchers, exercise instructor, and a health teacher. 

1. What are a child’s most important nutritional needs?

2. How will you know if a child with autism will respond to the gluten and casein free diet?

3. When a child first starts this diet, is it better to remove gluten and casein and the same time or one at a time?

4. Do older children or adults respond to this diet?

5. Does a GFCF diet require special foods or are there a lot of regular foods available that do not contain gluten and casein?

6. Would it be expensive to maintain a gluten and casein free diet?

7. Can gluten and casein be harmful to people or just the ones who cannot digest it properly?

8. Do you eat many products that contain gluten and casein in it?

9. Do you believe that there are significant changes in a child’s behavior as a result of being on the GFCF diet?

10. Can eating out be difficult for someone if they are trying to maintain a gluten and casein free diet?

11. How long does it take for dairy peptides to leave the body?

12. How long does it take for gluten to leave the body? Is it true that it takes longer than casein?

13. Is it possible that an autistic child does not respond to this diet?

14. Is milk a necessary component of a child’s health?

15. Is too much milk considered harmful to a child?

16. What is celiac disease?

17. If a child is on this diet, is it ok to allow occasional infractions?

18. What type of lunches could a child who is following the GFCF diet have at school?

19. Is it true that a taking away a hot dog and french fries does not mean anything?

20. What are some foods that children with autism spectrum should not have?

21. What types of food are considered healthy for children and young adults?

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