After speaking with the developmental psychologist yesterday, I realized that this interview is just what we needed for our research project. Coleen specializes in autism spectrum disorders. She works with individual clients and also conducts group meetings for adolescents who have autism. These individuals in the meetings face the same harsh realities that every teenager deals with. Coleen greatly expanded my knowledge on the topic of autism spectrum, not just in the area that we were researching, (gluten and casein free diet) but in every aspect. I always knew it took a special person to work with children/young adults with severe disabilities, but she stated, "when working with these individuals, you should never look at them differently." Coleen also said don’t ever underestimate their capabilities. One of the tricks that she does when working with clients is to find something she likes about the person. By finding something you like in a person with autism, it helps you develop a deeper connection and special attachment to them. I thought many of the things Coleen said was very inspiring, not only in regards to this project, but also as a future special education teacher.

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